Saturday, June 2, 2007

Captain Consumer Man

Yeah, the new Transformers movie line of toys got released here yesterday. I've had this statue of Bumblebee on my desk at work for the last week, though I've been unable to actually buy it since they were embargoed until June 2 (I work in a department store, with a large toy section. I even used to run the toy department, oh those were cool times. I always had the comic toys in prominent places).

I pretty much despise the section of the collector market that insists on leaving figures mint in packaging, but this one will be staying in the box, for the simple reason that the box is almost as cool-looking as the figure. I took it out of the box and removed the extra packaging holding it in place though. I hope they make more statues like this, so far it's the only one.

Got a couple more art pages from eBay, this time from Vigilante.

The second page has one of comics great lines:

What guy hasn't said that to themselves at some point?

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